Golden Hemp

Golden Hemp

Free yourself: finish the endless to-do list and take control of your emotions and time

How often does it happen that Do you start every morning with a cup of coffee and a to-do list? Maybe they are not even written down, but already in the morning you realize that this day will not be any easier than yesterday. Your day goes by like a whirlwind.

In the morning, you try to coordinate the children's morning preparation for school and wake up together, because you still lack sleep after going to bed late yesterday, when you spent the whole evening doing homework together with your children and then you prepared food until late so that they wouldn't be hungry when they came home from school before you.

During the day at work, you feel like you are the emotional pillar of your colleagues, and the manager shouts for those tasks that he thinks you should understand yourself, even though no one showed you how to do it. Despite the stress at work, you get a call from your daughter coming home and remember the still unfinished scheduled interview with your daughter's teacher regarding the midterm evaluation.

In the evening, you take the children to club, solve homework, clean the rooms, because he would like at least not to be depressed when he wakes up in the morning.

When everyone falls asleep, you don't want to sleep yet. Maybe you feel more like a squeezed lemon, however you want to breathe more than sleep, to do your favorite activities, to spend some time for yourself - that's why you go to bed late. You lack time for yourself, your passions and even the simplest relaxation. Hoping to have a weekend off – if anyone lets…

Don't be afraid, I'll tell you a secret, you're not alone!

Many modern women face similar challenges every day and try to manage everything on their own. Our fast pace, constant expectations and perfectionism often lead to feelings of burnout. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather a warning - you need to take care of yourself.

The simplest solution to get rid of the burnout trap – stop reacting to everything in sequence and start acting proactively (i.e. plan in advance, reject tasks that do not seem important at the moment, plan time for yourself). Oh, I know! – really easier said than done. We would all like a simpler life, if it were so easy to achieve, we would all have it and not have to read articles on the internet :))

Being proactive rather than reactive requires:

  • Awareness: before you begin to control your daily plan, you should step back and look at everything from the outside. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Observe what causes stress and exhaustion.
  • Emotional controls: by noticing which moments of the day cause you the most stress, start managing your reactions to stressful situations. Don't be afraid to say "no", in a stressful situation take ten minutes to figure out "what you really want" and those few minutes will allow you to do other things much more efficiently when you calm down.
  • Self care: noticing the moments of life when you feel the most stressful, you should not give them up. I understand that you want to do everything and it's a very good feeling when you succeed. At the same time, you need to understand that when planning a busy day, you should also plan rest in advance. Incorporate regular exercise, a healthy diet, enough sleep, or whatever helps you feel calm and self-loving.

Despite all efforts, there is no such magic pill which would solve all our problems at once.

There's no magic pill for awesomeness, honey.

Just as it took you a whole day to contribute new tasks, it takes just as much time to discover balance between the happy smiles of those around you and your own inner peace. But I have good news if you are looking for peace, if you start to notice when you want to rest the most - you have already started your journey of finding peace, and you are head and shoulders above those who only dream of a better life, but do nothing about it.

Sometimes we get so used to our normal lives that it's hard to step back and look outside. The whole journey of finding peace is not a straight line. There are better days and harder days. On such days when it's hard to pull back and I overreact emotionally I use several cannabidiol drops.

Cannabidiol (English cannabidiol, abbreviated CBD) is a natural compound extracted from the hemp plant (not the narcotic that intoxicates, but the fibrous one, which is even grown on plantations in Lithuania). Cannabidiol is like an herb, similar to a new, superior substitute for Grandma's Valejon drops. Similar to heart drops, cannabidiol has a calming effect and can help:

  • Reduce perceived stress and anxiety, therefore you will feel lighter
  • Improve the quality of sleep, therefore you won't need to sleep all day for a week
  • Strengthen the immune system and less medicine will be needed to treat colds
  • Increase energy levels because you will feel fresher
  • And most importantly, for me helps to detach from your thoughts and not react to everything so personally
Sandra wakes up less at night when using knabidiol and even when she wakes up she falls back asleep quickly:
I started using CBD for restless sleep, that feeling when you keep waking up and have trouble falling asleep because of unfinished work or overwork. Now, after taking a drop before going to bed, I sleep perfectly, although there are awakenings, but I immediately fall back asleep and wake up refreshed in the morning. You only realize that the effect is real after you try it, I recommend everyone to try it for themselves. I started using CBD because of restless sleep, that feeling when you keep waking up and it's hard to fall asleep because of unfinished work or overwork. Now, after taking a drop before going to bed, I sleep perfectly, although there are awakenings, but I immediately fall back asleep and wake up refreshed in the morning. Only after trying it you realize that the effect is really there, I recommend everyone to try it for themselves.
Using the strongest 30% cannabidiol, just 1-2 drops are enough to feel the improvement:
The first time I tried 30% strength, it was enough 1-2 drops every day to feel better and no longer feel physical tension. I used 10 ml for more than a month. After that I bought a larger capacity.
Erika was hesitant about using cannabidiol, but felt an improvement after just 10 minutes:

To control stress, I had to try more than one preparation, from group B vit. to valerian, or even prescription drugs. At first I was hesitant to use it, it seemed unsafe, but CBD works incomparably better, after 10 minutes it calms down, there were no side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or apathy. And it's delicious, I used orange flavor. It turns out that such products were used even in ancient times.

Cannabidiol is not a cure-all, but it is can become your bridge to a calmer and more balanced life… Just a few drops a day can help calm a stressful situation, help you sleep better, rest, or simply look at the challenges that arise more easily. Just as valerian was used by grandmothers in the past, cannabidiol is a modern, more advanced means of calming down without the use of strong prescription sedatives.

If you want to get rid of the shackles of burnout and regain your energy, consider trying high-quality cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol can become a tool to help you create a harmonious and fulfilling life.

cannabidiol 12% 10 ml orange

Orange-flavored cannabidiol (10ml capacity, 12% strength, with spray)

remember you deserve peace and happiness. Don't be afraid to take time for yourself and your needs. It doesn't matter if you need additional means to "drive in" or not. You can always change your life - to become a stronger, calmer and happier version of yourself.

I wish you good luck!

p.s. I would suggest you to try orange flavor 10 ml 12% with spray and see for yourself whether it helps or not. If you need a reference: